Posted: 12/06/2021
The fuel filter is one of the most important parts of a vehicle. Modern engines have fuel systems that absolutely, under no circumstances, ever encounter any kind of foreign particles. The need for these engines to have clean fuel injected in very precise amounts at precise times is so great that some engines have two filters to prevent such an occurrence from ever happening.
A fuel filter is actually an extremely simple device. A gas station in the suburbs is likely not going to have a very polluted full line, but a source in any kind of rural or construction environment is different. No matter how clean a gas station is, impurities will find a way into the line. Just like you expect high performance from your engine, you expect the same performance from a fuel filter.
Fuel passes from the source (a tank, in the case of modern vehicles), and the filters along the line capture even the tiniest foreign particles so they never make it into the engine itself.
Not only does a fuel filter prevent solid particles like sand, dust, and gravel from invading the good operation of an engine, it even stops the occasional drops of water, hydraulic fluid, and similar liquids. This is why vehicle owners absolutely must have their filters cleaned regularly, preferably by a qualified professional.
The biggest sign that your vehicle’s fuel filter is clogged or otherwise in need of being changed is extremely clear: bad engine performance. A clogged filter is starving the engine of fuel, which often will make your engine sluggish and slow, especially when accelerating up a steep incline.
Other signs include:
not starting
taking a little too long to start
low mileage
engine misfires
check engine light
The answer to this question depends on the type of engine, but the filters are usually located either somewhere along the fuel line or even in the engine itself. Some engines have two fuel filters in both locations. Usually, fuel filters can be found near the engine itself. For example, the Silverado 1500 3500 fuel filter is located to the side of the engine, while the F350 fuel filter is located near the front. Shop Arnold Motor Supply for Parts Master and WIX replacement filters.
The answer to this question also changes depending on what kind of vehicle you drive. Generally speaking, you should plan to change your filter every 20,000 miles or so, which, for most drivers, is around every year or two.
If you’re sticking to a good maintenance cycle with your vehicle, and making regular check-ups with an auto repair Certified Service Center, then all of the hard work will be done for you.